这篇文章中的内容出现于《使命召唤:黑色行动》。 这篇文章中的内容出现于《使命召唤:黑色行动II》。 这篇文章中的内容出现于《使命召唤:黑色行动解密》。 这篇文章中的内容出现于《使命召唤:黑色行动III》。 这篇文章中的内容出现于僵尸模式。 这篇文章中的内容出现于《使命召唤:现代战争重制版》。











The Red Dot Sight and Reflex Sight tend to be unnecessary additives for this weapon, unless one absolutely despises the iron sights. As well, the Russian ACOG Scope is very obstructive for peripheral vision, making its use limited. The Infrared Scope is a terrible option, as the recoil is increased, and Ghost Pro users will be completely invisible.

The Suppressor turns the Galil into a very good stealth weapon at medium range. However, four hit kills will be much more common due to the reduced range, making its time-to-kill become much higher. The underbarrels serve their novelty purpose, as always.

In conclusion, the Galil serves as a very bizarre weapon in its own kind. With such a large magazine capacity and a somewhat slow time-to-kill to boot, the Galil can make its mark as a large risk-reward weapon. As such, it doesn't serve as popular as other Assault Rifles, but it is definitely a potent threat in the right hands.


  • Extended Mags
  • Dual Mag
  • ACOG Scope
  • Red Dot Sight
  • Reflex Sight
  • Masterkey
  • Flamethrower
  • Infrared Scope
  • Suppressor
  • Grenade Launcher (GP-25)


The Galil can be obtained from the Mystery Box in Zombies for 950 points. The Galil has 35 rounds with 315 rounds reserved, making it a worthy gun to keep. On top of massive ammo reserves, this gun deals more damage than most guns, lasting into round 19, and sometimes, if aiming for headshots, even higher. Because of its low recoil and high damage, it is a valued weapon and is usually kept by players to Pack-a-Punch. The gun causes the player to have a slower movement speed than normal, like the other assault rifles in Zombies, but with its exceptional power, it rivals light machine guns, and allows more maneuverability.

When Pack-a-Punched via the Pack-a-Punch Machine, it becomes the Lamentation. This version features a Red Dot Sight with a randomized reticule. It is an effective spray-and-pray weapon due to its above average hip fire accuracy. It also comes with more reserve ammo than any of the other Pack-a-Punched assault rifles with the exception of the AN-94; the magazine size remains unchanged. Speed Cola is highly recommended. The Lamentation is usually one of the most sought after weapons, as its the high range of damage of any gun that is not a wonder weapon or shotgun, and has one of the highest reserved ammo counts of all upgraded weapons, even surpassing that of the RPK.

Galil Vs. Lamentation[]

Galil Lamentation
Galil BO Lamentation BO
伤害 150-100 220-150
射击模式 全自动 全自动
射速 750发/分钟 750发/分钟
弹匣容量 35发 35发
最大弹药量 35+315 35+490
换弹时间 2.8秒,打空3.8秒 2.8秒,打空3.8秒
机动性 中等 中等
变化 伤害增加,弹药增多,装配红点瞄准具









  • 反射瞄准具
  • ACOG
  • 消音器
  • 扩容弹匣
  • 快拔弹匣
  • 榴弹发射器GP-25
  • 快慢机


Lightweight, air-cooled, gas operated, magazine fed? (whistles) That's quite the feature list!
——Marlton Johnson in Buried, after obtaining the Galil from the Mystery Box.

The Galil returns in Zombies and can be acquired from the Mystery Box. When Pack-a-Punched, it once again becomes the Lamentation. Both Pack-a-Punched and not, it performs very similarly to its Call of Duty: Black Ops counterpart but with Double Tap Root Beer, it becomes especially powerful. The only two differences are that the Lamentation receives a Reflex Sight instead of the original Call of Duty: Black Ops Red Dot Sight and the Galil in Call of Duty: Black Ops II can be reload cancelled slightly faster than its Call of Duty: Black Ops counterpart. Like all other non-2025 weapons, it can only be Pack-a-Punched once.

Galil Vs. Lamentation[]

Galil Lamentation
Galil Zombies BOII Lamentation BOII
伤害 150-100 220-150
射击模式 Automatic Automatic
射速 750 RPM 750 RPM
弹匣容量 35 35
最大弹药量 315+35 490+35
换弹时间 {{{regreload}}}  
机动性 Medium Medium
变化 More ammo, Reflex Sight, higher damage






The Galil is the second unlocked assault rifle in multiplayer. Much like its Call of Duty: Black Ops counterpart, it has low recoil and is capable of killing in three to four shots to the body. It has the largest magazine size in its class with 35 rounds. However, it is the slowest reloading assault rifle, most likely to balance for the larger than average than magazine size. It has an average rate of fire of 750 RPM.

Sleight of Hand is a good choice on the Galil to mitigate the slow reloads. Hardline is also a good choice as the Galil's large magazine size gives it great potential for multiple kills before reloading. Combining Jammer and the Suppressor can make for a very potent stealth class as the Galil's large magazine and ammo supply reduces the need for both Sleight of Hand and Surplus. Extended Mags increases the Galil's magazine size to a gargantuan 52 rounds which makes it a psuedo light machine gun with all the benefits assault rifle properties. With Extended Mags, it boasts a larger magazine size than both the RPK and Stoner63.


  • Red Dot Sight
  • Weight Balance
  • Noise Suppressor
  • Grenade Launcher (GP-25)
  • ACOG Sight
  • Adjustable Stock
  • Quickdraw Handle
  • Extended Mags
  • Improved Grip






Template:Cut Content

The Galil was cut from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered[1]. The weapon is usable and complete, indicating it was cut fairly late in development.


  • 枪身侧面上印着的以色列英文名”Israel“被错拼成了"Isreal"。
  • 枪身上印着的的序列号是“2235789”。
  • The multiplayer description of the Galil is incorrect: when buying the weapon, the game describes it as having an integrated Select Fire attachment, with the choice between semi-automatic and three-round burst modes. However, when the weapon is fired, it is fully automatic.
  • In first-person, the Galil has a handle near the grip. This is not present in third-person.
  • On the Nintendo Wii, the Lamentation is green.


Template:CoD7 Weapons
